With Yoga and Meditation at Home

It only takes a few minutes to feel good in mind, body, and soul!

How good would it feel...

To know exactly what you need to do to feel instant relief in your physical body?

To sleep better?

To learn natural techniques that calm and quiet the mind?

To feel less “edgy” when taking care of your family?

To learn how to self guide yourself and follow your intuition?

To save tons of money on additional studio memberships?

To save tons of time and reduce the stress of another scheduled task or event?






Does This Sound Familiar...?

Your body aches constantly from lack of movement and stretching?

You feel like there is not enough time in the day to give yourself the care that you need?

You do not want to spend any more money on gym or studio memberships?

Do you struggle with stress, anxiety and depression?

Remember your power and live the life you deserve!

This course will give you the basic tools you need to practice yoga and meditation

at home in less than 15 minutes

…and you will feel so good, inside and out!

About Your Guide, Kim...

ERYT-200, Certified Hypnotherapist, PreNatal Certified, Reiki II, Chef, Ordained Minister

Kim is also a momma, wife, foodie, crystal enthusiast, and teacher who shares the practice of yoga, meditation, breath work, and hypnosis to heal, harmonize, and enhance your WHOLE life.

Kim has taught over 1,000+ hours of yoga since 2012, focusing on relaxation, healing and transformation. She is a devoted practitioner who cares, educates, and supports her students on their journey. Kimberly has created several wellness businesses, 200 RYT training, SUP Yoga classes, local and abroad retreats, numerous workshops/training classes, mentorships, holds multiple weekly private sessions, group classes, and so much more.

Currently, Kimberly is studying for her 300 YTT certification, and teaches online via Patreon, as a Coach for Aura Health app, or 1:1 sessions. You can find more information at www.guidedbykim.com

My Story To Helping Others...

I remember when I started to deal with extreme symptoms of anxiety and depression that I turned to yoga wholeheartedly. This was no longer something I did once or twice a week. I started going to class EVERY DAY. And when I wasn’t able to attend a studio class, I would roll my mat out in my apartment living room and do some of the poses that I loved the most from class. It became a non negotiable, daily habit for me.

Learning to do yoga and meditation at home has been my private refuge and supported my mental health and well being during some very troubling times. It has truly sustained me in times of joy and chaos because I nurture this habit daily. I have found that it doesn't take much time at all, and I always come out feeling SO MUCH BETTER. I am a better parent, wife, friend, and teacher because of my personal practice at home.

Kim’s program, P.E.A.C.E., will teach simple ways to create a consistent practice at home that takes less than half an hour, TRANSFORMING YOUR WHOLE LIFE…

Practicing at home has truly saved my life at times - it has made such a positive impact on my physical and mental health. There are days or seasons in life when getting to the studio class just doesn't work for your schedule or budget and this course shows you a perspective still having a practice that day that is meaningful and doesn't take much time.

Also, if you are new to yoga and would like to learn in the privacy of your home - this course is a wonderful place to start!

  • At first, Kim suggests 5-15 minutes of practice to set realistic goals for daily practice to balance with your other life responsibilities, and extending time as you are ready
  • Aches and pains that used to flare up in your body will lessen and release
  • You will start to breathe calmly and deeply in real-life challenges and obstacles
  • Your sleep will improve
  • Your relationships will be enhanced
  • Your decision-making skills will be clear and confident
  • You will experience positive shifts in your mood
  • You will start to radiate health and happiness!

Who Is This Perfect For...

Parents / Caregivers

People With Jobs

Experienced Practitioners


And anyone who wants to try yoga and other transformative and relaxing techniques for the body and mind from home...

Unexpected appointments and kid related challenges will arise, conflicts in your schedule that make you feel there is no time for self care, as well as having to make smart financial decisions …

But Kim’s program, P.E.A.C.E., will help you to relax in those stressful situations and release over thinking and anxiety so you can make clear and calm decisions in all aspects of your life.

Here is what you will receive:

  • Real life advice on how to set realistic goals to schedule time for your own care and practice
  • How to handle distractions and what supplies you will need
  • Recommended Supplies and How to use them
  • Yoga asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques
  • How to trust your inner guide and compassionately tune in to what you need in that present moment
  • Connection and encouragement with Kim for unique guidance with questions
  • Invitation to FB group for weekly tips and inspiration for practice

What is included:

Kim’s unique system for practice, P.E.A.C.E.

Following this down-to-earth system will show you how to create a meaningful and easy practice every time you roll out your mat!

Module #1: How to deal with distractions and setting realistic goals

Pets, kids, and procrastination are the biggest distraction to a home based practice and Kim will give you some advice on how to handle these common deterrents.

Module #2: Finding your sacred space + Recommended supplies

Kim will give you some ideas to look around your home for practice space, and how to bring compassion into your practice. Also, Kim’s recommended supplies practice and a video on how to use the props!

Module #3: Resources for practice - Use these videos to get ideas for your own practice!

  • 30 min. Beginner Yoga + Ujjayi Breath
  • 20 min. Morning Yoga Practice Video
  • 60 min. Yoga for Back Pain
  • 30 min. Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation to Prepare for Sleep
  • 10 min Starting Your Day with Gratitude Audio Meditation
  • 20 minute Grounding & Relaxing Yoga Nidra Audio

Module #4: Encouragement from Kim

"I want to acknowledge your effort to make time for yourself and create a new positive habit at home. By doing these small positive changes over time, you are creating a life long transformation of existing in ease every day!"

Bonus: Invitation to Kim’s Private FB Group

Please join us on Facebook - Kim shares daily tips and guidance to give you insight, inspiration, and information on your personal yoga and meditation journey. You will feel supported by Kim, as well as other students that are just like you.

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Now For Just $7

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you are not happy with your purchase, please let me know within 7 days and I will refund you immediately. Email [email protected]

for refund questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am a total beginner?

This course is PERFECT for beginners - you will learn basic yoga practices in the privacy of your home without having to worry about “not being flexible” enough or any other fear associated with being in a group. Kim teaches only gentle yoga poses and transitions with genuine intention and specific energetic purpose.

I have tried yoga in the past and haven’t really enjoyed it. How would this course be different?

Everyone is different in what they find enjoyable. Maybe the last time you tried yoga you were in a different place in life or state of mind, but now you are ready to try again. I would say as long as you have an open mind and heart and an interest in caring for your body and mind in a natural way, you will get something good out of this course.

Are there any additional costs associated with this course?

You will be recommended some basic supplies that set you up for a supported practice, but these items are not required or expensive and can be purchased places at amazon, target, and academy. I do not recommend any brand names of which mat to purchase, but just having any yoga mat is perfect to get started. Once you purchase these items, they will last forever. Also, there will be options for purchasing additional courses and other online offerings but they are totally optional.

I am pregnant - will this course be OK for me to do?

Absolutely. However, feel free to reach out to Kim to discuss your pregnancy timeline and personal questions and she can give you some custom guidance, such as Do’s and Don’t of pre natal yoga. You can connect with kim via FB/IG @guidedbykim or [email protected]

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